DOKAR FC adalah sebuah perkumpulan karyawan STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta yang menyukai sepak bola dan futsal. Nama DOKAR diambil dari DO(sen) dan KAR(yawan), dimana di AMIKOM terdapat 2 elemen pegawai yaitu karyawan edukatif yang disebut sebagi Dosen dan karyawan non edukatif yang disebut sebagai karyawan.
that doesn't happen everyday. wish you all the best.
Interesting topics could give you more visitors to your site. So Keep up the good work.
Its ok if the appearance of your blog is not good. The important thing is the topic or the content of your blog.
If im in the situation of the owner of this blog. I dont know how to post this kind of topic. he has a nice idea.
All I can say is nothing because your blog is not interesting to read.
All I can say is nothing because your blog is not interesting to read.
I could give my own opinion with your topic that is not boring for me.
The nice thing with this blog is, its very awsome when it comes to there topic.
This blog could be more exciting if you can create another topic that everyone can relate on.
Baw, kasagad-sagad sa iya ubra blog!
that's way too cool.
Alla hu akhbar!!!
Nice blog. Thats all.
I truly appreciate it.
Katon, Goukakyu no jutsu.
Sorry if I commented your blog, but you have a nice idea.
Thanks to the owner of this blog. Ive enjoyed reading this topic.
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